Professional and administration fees

Everything you need to know about professional and administration fees as a homeowner in England.

What are professional or administration fees?

Some additional activities are not covered by the annual management fee you pay with your service charges. These activities are charged an extra professional or administration fee.

These activities are either carried out at the request of individual customers or arise when we have to carry out special work at a particular address.

Example professional or administration fees

Here are some examples of the services requiring a professional or administration fee. 

We will confirm if an administration fee applies, and what that current fee is, when a service is requested.

Payment is normally required in advance.

Professional fees for major works will be notified through the Section 20 consultation process.

This is not a complete list.

Administration fee examples:

  • Deed of Covenant - £175 plus VAT
  • Mortgage approval fee - £75 plus VAT
  • Notice fees - £75 plus VAT
  • Fee for staircasing to 100% or any Transfer eg. Freehold Reversion - £150 plus VAT
  • Licence to Assign and Deed of Covenant - £250 plus VAT
  • Grant of a new lease - £500 plus VAT
  • Surrender of lease - £250 plus VAT
  • Consent letter for alterations - £100 plus VAT
  • Licence to sublet - £175 plus VAT
  • Licence to keep a pet - £125 plus VAT
  • Deed of Variation - £275 plus VAT (simple), £450 plus VAT (complex)
  • Certificate of compliance - £50 plus VAT
  • Lease Extension - £450 plus VAT
  • Licence to Assign - £175 plus VAT
  • Copy Lease (from Land Registry) - £30 plus VAT
  • Copy Title and title Plan (from Land Registry) - £50 plus VAT
  • Transfer of Equity - £150 plus VAT
  • Remortgage - £100 plus VAT

Professional fee example:

  • Professional Fees for major works projects managed by Home Group Maintenance Team - 10.25% of the contract sum

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